KHC Ministries
Where Can I Serve?
Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations. One of the most important values of this church is our mission to the world. It begins in our own community, and spreads overseas to every nation. Church members are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as washing the church vehicles, to preparing the church bulletins.
Music and Drama
God-honoring worship is something we strive for. Many church members get involved in our music and drama ministry. Some play their instruments. Some are vocalists. Others are involved in the choir. Still others get involved in drama. These volunteers are an important part of the ministry of our church, using their talents and gifts to glorify God.

Men's Ministry
The men’s ministry strives to provide an environment in which they grow through understanding the Bible and applying its truth by the Holy Spirit to our everyday choices and thinking. The catalyst for change is the gospel taught as well as applied and there are no short cuts in the process. It is our belief that a strong men’s ministry leads to a strong and healthy church. Whereas we are adamant about properly exegeting scripture it is done so in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. At the same time encouragement, exhortation and fun is a part of the mix. We are afforded ways to build and manage a good healthy life and household.
Women's Ministry
The women’s ministry is a catalyst for women to grow through serving one another. We meet monthly to bond not only through sharing our life experiences but to discover resources and ways of becoming stronger and better individuals. We partner with other women groups for great fellowship. One of the unique things about our meetings is we are not confined to the building but often find innovative ways to enjoy life. We also uncover ways to apply the Word of God in a manner that allows us to heal, leave the past behind and move forward. We mainly focus on spiritual growth, discipleship, and serving women through the church.

Helps Ministry
The usher team at our church fills an important role. They are involved in directing attendees to their seats, ensuring the safety of the building during services, guiding traffic, helping visitors, answering questions, providing direction, unlocking doors, locking doors, and generally ensuring that the service can proceed problem-free. The usher team is a servant hearted group of men and women whose ministry is integral to church life.
Media and Technology
Using media to spread the gospel is a privilege of this church. In an age of widespread technology, we have a stewardship to use these tools as best as possible for kingdom purposes. All of our weekly sermons are uploaded to our website in video and audio formats. We also maintain an active Facebook and Twitter feed for additional church communication.

Marriage Counseling
Our marriage ministry is designed to help marriages grow and thrive by providing innovatory ways to bond, understand, create and invent ways to soar. It our aim to see the Word of God transform not only our lives individually but to enhance and empower our lives as married couples. It is our goal to provide pre-martial counseling, ongoing marriage and family counseling as needed. We celebrate marriage, encourage friendships and fellowship through workshops, retreats and our monthly (but not limited to) meetings. Whether for fine tuning or an attempt to save a relationship we offer knowledge, encouragement, biblical solution and support.
Prayer Warriors
Prayer cannot be overestimated. Prayer moves the hand of God. Our Church is a body of believers dependent upon prayer, and committed to God’s sovereignty. Each Sunday, during the morning service, a team of volunteers is praying for the ministry of the Word. Throughout the week, volunteers from our Prayer Warriors team pray for their pastor, a list of church members, any special requests, and missionary prayer needs. Each Wednesday, the church comes together for a special time of prayer and Bible study.